2x Indigo Jamm Short Story Book Bernie Bus Goes To Australia & London Combo 12m+
Indigo Jamm Hardcovered Short Story Book Bernie Bus Goes To London & Australia Books Combo 12m+
Bernie Bus and Friends book series uses engaging storylines and timeless illustrations to introduce children to other countries, cities, cuisine and culture across the globe. Enjoy a quality hardcover book as you join Bernie Bus and friends on their tour of London! Part 1 of a two-part book series. See code IJ3022 for part 2 of the series: Bernie Bus Goes To Australia.
Bernie Bus and Friends book series uses engaging storylines and timeless illustrations to introduce children to other countries, cities, cuisine and culture across the globe. Join Bernie Bus and friends as they explore the sights Down Under on their tour of Australia. Part 2 of a two-part book series. See code IJ3021 for part 1 of the series: Bernie Bus Goes To London.
It's the perfect reading companion for Indigo Jamm's Bernie's Number Bus and Mini Bernie Bus. One of four story books available from Indigo Jamm. Each book is a wonderful way to bring your child's favourite toys to life. Toy bus not included. Dimensions: 17x17cm.
Recommended Age Range: 12+Mths
Product Dimensions Approx: 17x17cm
Colour: Multicoloured
Material: Wood
2 x Story Books