6pc GP 1.4V Zinc Air Size 13/PR48/AC13/DA13 Single Use Battery for Hearing Aids
GP Hearing Aid Batteries
While there are some rare instances that a hearing aiduses a rechargeable battery or a long-life disposable battery, the majority of hearing aids use one of five standard Button Cell Zinc-air batteries. These types are typically referred to by their common number name or the color of their packaging.
They are typically loaded into the hearing aid viaa rotating battery door, with the flat side (case) as the positive terminal (cathode) and the rounded side as the negative terminal (anode).
These batteries all operate at 1.35 Volts.
The type of battery a specific hearing aid utilizes depends on the physical size allowable and the desired lifetime of the battery, which is in turn determined by the power draw of the hearing aid device. Typical battery lifetimes run between 1 and 14 days (assuming 16 hour days).
1 x 6pc Battery