The Game About Wikipedia
It's informative, it's collaborative, and it's fun! The Game About Wikipedia: The Online Encyclopedia game challenges players with 900 questions about Wiki topics such as Clement Attlee, chocolate, 60's television... and so many more. In fact, there are 300 Wikipedia topics in all!
Three Exciting ways to play each Wiki topic:
Three different questions to find out how much you know...
Page View Ranks
Which related pages get the highest number of views? You'll be surprised...
Quickly list as many answers as you can to the given question. How many can you match with the reader?
Who knows more about everything? Let's play!
Contents: 4 whiteboards, 300 cards, 100 tokens, 4 whiteboard markers, egg timer, instructions.
Players: For 2 to 4 players.
Suitable for ages 8 years+.