Explore The Deadly World Of Bugs, Snakes, Spiders, Crocodiles

Explore The Deadly World Of Bugs, Snakes, Spiders, Crocodiles

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From poisonous snakes and fearsome alligators todelicate butterflies and industrious honey bees, this guide captures the world of reptiles and insects from all over the globe. It examines life cycles, how the bodies work,habitat, ancestors and conservation. Did you know that some species of ant can lift up to 50 times their own weight? Close-up photos and expert cross-section diagrams reveal anatomical secrets. The text sets out the link between animals and their environment, bringing the subject to life with stunning photography, informative diagrams and lively text. This book makes learning about natural history exciting and accessible.

* A fascinating guide to the hidden world of snakes,crocodiles, alligators, lizards, turtles, spiders, beetles,bugs, butterflies, moths, bees and ants
* More than 1500 fabulous wildlife photographs andillustrations provide a stunning close-up view of survivalin the wild
* Exciting and accessible information provides an insightinto every aspect of reptile and insect life
* 'Did You Know' spotlights reveal amazing-but-true facts:for example, some crocodiles can live up to 100 years
* An ideal reference book for 8- to 12-year-olds for schooland home study, and a superb family encyclopedia
* Written by a team of experts: Barbara Taylor, Dr JenGreen, John Farndon and Mark O'Shea

Format: Softcover
Pages: 512
Publisher: Hermes House
ISBN-13: 978-1-84681-235-4
Dimensions: 22 x 17 x 3cm

Suitable for ages 7 years+

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