Classic Mousetrap Board Game
in Board Games sold by Tates Toys
Don't Pay $49.94 ⓘ
Description and specs
Sniff- sniff! Do you smell that Mmmmm..it's yummy- delicious cheese! A mouse's dream come true! And-oh- can you believe it-someone's left it right out in the open! But you better be careful of that crazy- wild- wacky- action-contraption mouse trap!Snap the trap and win at Mousetrap.Run through the maze as Sneakers Mouse, Nacho Mouse or Pepper Mouse spins on the cheesy spinner. When one of your friends' mouse is in the cheesy trap area and you land on the right space, you've got a chance to catch them in the zany trap made of Hungry Hippo and Girafalaff contraptions. Keep scurrying and scampering until someone gets caught. If you're the first to trap a mouse, you win!Scurry around the board collecting cheese and stealing cheese from other players..but watch out for the mouse trap! Be the first player to collect six cheese wedges to win!
Mousetrap Board Game
Includes: 3 game board pieces,
3 mouse figures, cardboard spinner,
cheese wedge spinner and base, tub,
ladder, tree trunk, banana branch,
cheese wedge slide, boot, branch,
seesaw log, tree leaves, trap,
Hungry Hippo, Elefun, Jock Croc,
Chasin' Cheeky and Giraffalaff figures,
2 marbles and instructions.
Adult assembly requiredSuitable Ages: 6+ years.
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