Ty Squish-a-boos Clip - Fetch Dalmation Dog Squishy Beanies
Ty Squish-a-boos Clip - Fetch Dalmation Dog Squishy Beanies
Ty Squish-a-boos Clip - Fetch Dalmation Dog Squishy Beanies
Ty Squish-a-boos Clip - Fetch Dalmation Dog Squishy Beanies
Ty Squish-a-boos Clip - Fetch Dalmation Dog Squishy Beanies
Ty Squish-a-boos Clip - Fetch Dalmation Dog Squishy Beanies

Ty Squish-a-boos Clip - Fetch Dalmation Dog Squishy Beanies

Don't Pay $6.99 
Description and specs
Ty Squish-a-boos Clip - Fetch Dalmation Dog Squishy Beanies My name is Fetch the Squishy Beanie. When it comes to spots, I have a few. My one ear is black, and my eyes are blue. I am soft and sweet and can comfort you. I'll be your favorite pillow by far, whether on your bed or in the car. BIRTHDAY: August 23 POEM: To run and jump is always fun. At catching frisbees I'm #1! Kids’ Ty clip-on animals are available in all of their favorite Beanie Boos and Beanie Babies characters. Each Ty clip-on animal comes in a small clip size with a plastic connector perfect for attaching the plush to all of your child’s belongings
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