Crown Royal Fine De Luxe Blended Canadian Whisky 750ml
Crown Royal Fine De Luxe Blended Canadian Whisky 750ml
Crown Royal Fine De Luxe Blended Canadian Whisky 750ml
Crown Royal Fine De Luxe Blended Canadian Whisky 750ml

Crown Royal Fine De Luxe Blended Canadian Whisky 750ml

Description and specs

Comes with velvet bag and gift box.

Crown Royal Deluxe is the standard of excellence for Canadian whisky. It is an extraordinary blend of our finest whiskies, matured to perfection.

Tasting Notes:

Nose: Rich and robust, with slight hints of vanilla and fruit.

Palate: Delicately smooth and creamy with hints of oak and the sweet flavor of vanilla.

Finish: Long and lingering.

Delivery and returns
$15 Shipping to all available areas.

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