Schleich-Walking with Labrador Retriever | SC42478
Schleich-Walking with Labrador Retriever | SC42478
Schleich-Walking with Labrador Retriever | SC42478
Schleich-Walking with Labrador Retriever | SC42478
Schleich-Walking with Labrador Retriever | SC42478
Schleich-Walking with Labrador Retriever | SC42478
Schleich-Walking with Labrador Retriever | SC42478
Schleich-Walking with Labrador Retriever | SC42478
Schleich-Walking with Labrador Retriever | SC42478
Schleich-Walking with Labrador Retriever | SC42478

Schleich-Walking with Labrador Retriever | SC42478

in Toys sold by Toymate
Don't Pay $30.00 
Description and specs

The Labrador Retriever happily brings the dog leash to its master and barks at him in expectation. The boy quickly hooks it to the dog's collar and the two of them are off! On their walk through the fields, the boy lets his dog run freely across a wide meadow and they play fetch. They're best friends. Fun fact- Labrador Retrievers are well known for their ability to retrieve and swim.

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