Kool 'n' Soothe Fever 6 Sheets
Kool 'n' Soothe Fever is designed to provide natural and immediate cooling relief to your hot/feverish child.
Kool 'n' Soothe Fever is designed to provide natural and immediate cooling relief to your hot/ feverish child.
Ready to use straight from the pack and once placed on the forehead it provides a gentle cooling sensation for up to 8 hours*.
Kool 'n' Soothe Fever is non-medicinal so can be used with pain medication to help comfort your child and give you reassurance. Kool 'n' Soothe Fever can also be used during the hot summer months to cool and refresh.
This product is TGA approved.
*The duration of cooling depends on conditions of usage.
PRODUCT WARNINGS:For external use only. Not to be eaten.
This is not a medicine. Targeted immediate cooling relief to alleviate a child's discomfort when he/she has a fever.
If fever persists, see a doctor.
If your child has a headache or a rash, or your child's temperature remains high, see a doctor.
If any irritation such as swelling, rashes, etc., occurs during or after application, discontinue use and see a doctor.
Do not use on irritated or injured skin (cut, eczema, rash, burns, sun burn, thermal injury, etc.)
Use only as directed.
Please use promptly after opening, as cooling effect gradually decreases.
Not for children under 2 years.
Store away from children and those unable to use the product safely by themselves.
Due to risk of suffocation or choking:
* Supervision is required for those who cannot remove the product by themselves: babies, infants, children or the physically disabled, etc. To prevent suffocatio, do not cover mouth or nostrils.
Always read the label and follow the directions for use.